Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blog prompt

News clip #1:Fishy business
a speech to raise awareness of the cruelty of whaling in japan.(not real)

Dear fellow citizens,

it has come to my attention that there is a growing trend of whaling in japan.this is not only bad news for us but for our future generation.Lets think about this, if whaling in japan does not stop, then in a few years time,we will have no more whales to eat,and with no more whales the future generation of japan will not get to taste the succulent meat of the whales anymore.So i am urging all of you to spread the awareness of whaling to your friends and family and tell them about the terrible fact of whaling.
This is for the good of the whales and japan's future generation.

Thank you for your kind attention.

What is education?

So, what is education?

It's a tough question as education can take all forms and can mean different things.

These are just some of the many "forms" education can take:

  • the activities of educating or instructing; activities that impart knowledge or skill
  • knowledge acquired by learning and instruction
  • the gradual process of acquiring knowledge
  • the profession of teaching (especially at a school or college or university)

However, many think that education is just about learning.

No, not to me.i feel education is more than that because if a child is expose to good education, then he/she will have good morals and habits which cannot be easily shaken when they grow up and when they are exposed to bad influence.

So, what is education? i would not want to decide what it is so i will leave it to you to decide.

Friday, January 9, 2009

new to blog

Hi,i just started blogging.